6:30 pm - 8:00 pm - Family Center Room 207
Adult Confirmation Mass will be on June 19, 6:30 pm @ St. Pius X Catholic Church
Please note that your sponsor will need to attend 4 sessions with you.
If you need to be confirmed sooner, please email skristek@spxsa.org to discuss.
Our program is 13 weeks long. We will meet once a week for 13 consecutive weeks. We start at 6:30 pm and end at about 8:00 pm
1- Please complete the registration form below
2- Gather all the documents you need to submit and email them to skristek@spxsa.org ( please refer to the next tab)
3- Find a sponsor and gather all the required documents from them and email them to skristek@spxsa.org ( please refer to the last tab)
If you have any questions please email Nelly Licona skristek@spxsa.org or call 210-824-0139 EXT 217
We need to collect copies of the following documents from you by March 31st :
1- Birth certificate
2- Baptism certificate
3- First Communion certificate
4- Church Marriage certificate (if applicable)
We need to collect copies of the following documents from your sponsor by March 31:
1- Confirmation certificate
2- Church Marriage certificate (if applicable)
3- Letter of permission from home parish
Please note that your spouse or partner cannot be your sponsor.