Lectors are lay men and women who proclaim the Word of the Lord during the Eucharistic liturgy. Those wanting to serve in the ministry should have received their confirmation.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC's) are lay men and women of all ages who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, are in "full communion" with the Catholic Church, and have been nominated by our pastor and appointed by the archbishop to serve our community.
An extension of this ministry is the Homebound Minsitry. In this ministry trained EMHC's serve by distributing to those in our community who are unable to join us during our Sunday liturgies because they are homebound, a hospital patient, or in a nursing home.
Learn More about being a Eucharistic Minister
learn more about homebound ministry
Altar Servers are youth lay ministers who have received their First Communion who serve God by assisting the assembly, the priest and deacons, and each other in their prayer at the Mass by their actions and attitude.
The action of the altar server is to be the hands and feet of the priest or deacon, bringing them what they need and modeling the appropriate action and attitude for the assembly.
Music ministry enriches the liturgy by leading the congregation in song.
We believe that your voice or instrument enriches the beauty of our liturgies and we invite and encourage you to share your gift.
Ushers assist the assembly in finding seats for Mass, keeping the processions and collections neat and orderly during Mass, and, overall, ensuring that the experience of Mass is pleasant, welcoming, and prayerful.
The Projection ministry is a ministry to help the congregation participate in the Masses by providing the words for songs, prayers, and responses during the Mass.
With those words projected onto the screen,
the congregation can be more engaged and actively participate even more in the Mass.
As a result of the recent pandemic, our parish set out to provide for all our members access to the liturgical life of the parish with our community through a time when we are socially distant from it. It was especially important for us
to make available the Holy Mass on weekends and also throughout the week through this daily livestream broadcast.