Other Committees

  • Meets:  As Necessary


    The Liturgy Committee plans, prepares, implements, and evaluates all aspects of our liturgy so that our diverse community can fully, actively, and consciously worship.  The Liturgy Committee is devoted to nourishing and providing direction for the liturgical aspects of parish life. We seek to ensure that parishioners are provided with opportunities to deepen their faith through a variety of prayer experiences and liturgical celebrations.

    The committee meets as needed. Specifically, we coordinate solemn liturgies, such as the Masses of Christmas and Easter; however, we also discuss, plan, and implement changes to the mass according to the season or prescriptions of the bishops, or for other special occasions and rituals.

  • Meets:  As Necessary (See the "Festival" tab under "New&Events")


    Our annual Parish Festival is our largest parish fundraiser. It is a community-wide event that encompasses additional support from our ministries and parish organizations. The Festival committee is comprised of enthusiastic volunteers who are dedicated to the success of this event.