Meets: First Monday of the month, 5:30 PM
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the pastor and the unifying structure of the Parish community. Parish pastoral councils help in fostering pastoral activity (Canon 536) and are distinct from parish finance councils, which aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods (Canon 537).
Pope Paul VI stated that the pastoral council is "to examine and consider all that relates to pastoral work and to offer practical conclusions on these matters, so that the life and activity of the People of God be brought into greater conformity with the Gospel.”
The purpose of the council is to offer practical advice to the Pastor on pastoral matters. As the Body of Christ, God's Spirit speaks through the people; outside experts cannot judge what is best for a particular parish because they are not part of it. Pastoral Councils offer what no expert can offer: a judgment about what is right for a particular parish. This is our primary motive for having a council.
Membership is by application and approval for 3 year terms.