Pastoral Council

  • What is Pastoral Council?

    Meets:  First Monday of the month, 5:30 PM

    The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body to the pastor and the unifying structure of the Parish community. Parish pastoral councils help in fostering pastoral activity (Canon 536) and are distinct from parish finance councils, which aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods (Canon 537).
    Pope Paul VI stated that the pastoral council is "to examine and consider all that relates to pastoral work and to offer practical conclusions on these matters, so that the life and activity of the People of God be brought into greater conformity with the Gospel.”
    The purpose of the council is to offer practical advice to the Pastor on pastoral matters.  As the Body of Christ, God's Spirit speaks through the people; outside experts cannot judge what is best for a particular parish because they are not part of it. Pastoral Councils offer what no expert can offer: a judgment about what is right for a particular parish.  This is our primary motive for having a council.

    Membership is by application and approval for 3 year terms.

  • Angie, husband Marshall, and children Rebecca and Aaron came to St. Pius X in 1991 and made this parish their second home. Over the years, Angie has been involved in PTO, Bible studies, ACTS retreats, Festival, WSPX, Small Communities of Faith, Stephen Ministry, Reflections, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Music Ministry, and other ministries. A graduate of Texas Tech, Angie thoroughly enjoyed her career as a band director at Wood and Eisenhower Middle Schools in San Antonio. Now retired from teaching, she cares for her two grandsons during the work week and loves family time, camping, hiking, reading, singing, playing instruments, traveling, and spending time with friends.

  • Tom Krueger continues to serve St. Pius X as an Usher and Minister of Holy Communion as well as the Pastoral Council. 
    On the Archdiocese level Tom serves on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council and as a Lay Vocation Promoter. 

    Tom also serves the largest Catholic Men's Fraternal Organization, the Knights of Columbus as the current Alamo Council 4298 Treasurer at St. Pius X, the Bishop Thomas J Flanagan Chapter Treasurer, The Msg. Anthony F Drozd Assembly 2102 Comptroller and the Texas State Council Knights of Columbus Programs Committeeman for the Silver Rose and Marian Prayer Program.

  • Bill has been a part of the SPX community since 1978. Bill has servied as Chairman, Msgr. Martin Family Center Parish Committee, ACTS Team Member, School Board Member, Mass Captain, and an Eucharistic Minister. Bill is married to Marlene since 1977; two daughters who are both school teachers; one is a Dominican Sister at St. Cecilia Congregation in Nashville, Tennessee. The other teaches in the Lewisville ISD in suburban Ft. Worth and has two sons.

  • Born and raised in Washington DC, moved to Texas in 1966.  Served 30 years in the US Air Force, retiring in 1995 as a colonel.  B.A. from St. Mary's University 1974, J.D. (Law Degree) from St. Mary's Law School 1980.  Practiced law from 1980 to the present.  Joined and was baptized at St. Pius X in 1983. 

    He currently serving as a Eucharistic Minister and Lector and on the Pastoral Council, and has also served as a Sacristan and Usher.


  • Celinda and her family have been members of St. Pius since 1995. She is a member of the St. Pius X Pastoral Council, Women of St. Pius, a governing committee member at St. PJ’s Children Home, a board member for the Archdiocese of San Antonio’s Hope for the Future program, and a board member of the St. Mary’s School of Law Hispanic Law Alumni Association.  Throughout her years at St. Pius, she was a member of the St. Pius X Parish Council of Catholic Women, St Monica’s Guild and St. Martha’s Guild. She has been a Eucharistic minister, and for many years she taught religious education classes.  

    She graduated from St. Mary’s University with a Bachelor of Business Administration in finance and her Juris Doctor from St. Mary’s School of Law and became licensed to practice law in Texas in 1989. She has been in private practice since 1989 and is associated with Flume Law Firm, LLC, in San Antonio. Since 1990, she had also been an adjunct professor for Webster University Graduate School. 


  • Mrs. Corinne K.B. Devlin an Army brat, has lived in many parts of the US and Europe. During her final tour of duty, her family became parishioners at St. Pius X. She is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) with over twenty years’ experience as a FNP in numerous primary care settings across the Army, and over 30 years’ experience in nursing. Currently, she is the Chief, Evidence Based Practice, Defense Health Agency in the Office of Evidence Based Practice. She retired from the Army Nurse Corps after serving twenty-four years on active duty. She is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and the National Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International Mu Kappa Chapter. Mrs. Devlin has been married to LTC (Ret) Karl M.H. Devlin, Sr. for over thirty-one years and has two brilliant and delightful sons, Karl (Jr.) aged nineteen and Paul, aged seventeen.

  • The Roell Family came to St. Pius as an Air Force Family in 1971 after Lt.  Col. Roell served a year in Vietnam.  I am now grandmother to fifteen grandchildren and six great grandchildren.  For five years (1974-1979) I taught Language Arts at St. Pius X School, followed by 25 years for the NEISD, and now beginning my fourteenth year teaching developmental math at San Antonio College.

  • SPX Member since 1994
    Pastoral Council, Eucharistic minister, Lector, Small Community of Faith facilitator, Usher, PCCW President/member,St Margaret Mary guild President/member, CCD teacher

  • Upon moving to San Antonio in 1984, we joined St. Pius X Catholic Church.  Four years later Msgr. Martin was planning to begin a Pre-K 4 class, which I wanted my daughter to enter.  When I called to ask him how things were going, he told me to put my money where my mouth was and run for a spot on the School Board, which I won.  That began my involvement with the school and the parish.  My newest  endeavors include coordinating the showcasing of our parish ministries and coordinating the St. Gianna's Guild to support families whose babies died before birth, more on that to come.  And, most of my closest friends are members of St. Pius X, what a great 37 years!

  • Born and raised in San Antonio, Marshall moved back to his home town with his family in 2006.  After a little searching, they found their church community at St. Pius X.  Marshall's wife, Kimi, teaches in the Religious Education Program.  All three of their children are active and have received sacraments at St. Pius.  They love spending time with their Small Community of Faith that has helped them grow in their faith and increase their connectedness with fellow parishioners.  Marshall has worked in the construction and facilities management field for over twenty years, and enjoys all-things outdoors and spending time with family.

  • Mary Laugesen
    Moved to San Antonio in 2017 after graduating with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy with her 2 fur-babies. Her current work is with clinical research looking at intervention for improving lifestyle wellness. She is the youngest of 4 in a military family so "home" is very much a state of mind rather than a place. Mary started consistently going to SPX in 2018 when she first began singing with the 5PM choir. She is currently serving as an usher and sings with Lauren whenever she can.